Propriety, Premium Generic Single Word
Below definition(s) copied from
noun, plural proprieties.
1. conformity to established standards of good or proper behavior or manners.
2. appropriateness to the purpose or circumstances; suitability.
3. rightness or justness.
4. the proprieties, the conventional standards of proper behavior; manners:
to observe the proprieties.
5. Obsolete. a property.
6. Obsolete. a peculiarity or characteristic of something.
Origin of propriety
late Middle English propriete ownership, something owned, one's own nature (compare variant proprete property ) < Middle French propriété < Latinproprietās peculiarity, ownership,equivalent to propri (us) proper + -etās,variant, after vowels, of -itās -ity
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- Created 01/20/2004
- High Estibot Valu