Add-ons & Fees

Listing Domain(s)

List domain(s) with FREE for First Category Submit a Domain. Additional category (ies) The first category is free. $1.99 Each Additional Category Add Another Category  Unlimited categories $5.99 per domain. Featured Front Page Listing Your domain(s) on our home page $19.99 for 3 months Front Page Listing

Fees and Commissions


It is free to list domains in one (1) category on There is a fee if you wish to list in additional categories, and for upgrades.
In which case your domain is rented, leased or sold through, the applicable commissions are set forth below:
Rental: 1st month's negotiated rental price.

Lease: 1st month negotiated lease price.

Sold: 10% of the negotiated sale price.

You are in control.
All prices are set by you in advance, the "seller/ lessor" prior to listing, so pricing is final, unless the buyer or interested renter / lessee submits an offer, in which case you will be notified by, and you can accept, decline or counter-offer that amount.
We negotiate on your behalf. If a rental or lease price is agreed upon, we ( will collect on the first month's rental or lease fee, and then provide you with the buyer's contact information and contract copy, at which time you will take over, and are responsible for tracking and collecting remaining payments.
We will never take the money and run.
To be fair, if the fee for the second month is not paid by the due date, plus 5 days grace period, notify us, and we will contact the renter / lessee and assist in collection efforts (you must provide proof of non-payment).

If no additional payments are made, we will refund to you any amounts we collected as our fee.

Sellers, Lessors: What you need to do

You have control to where your domain redirects

Once you agree to rent or lease your domain, you must change your DNS settings to reflect where the renter / lessee specifies. This is done at your registrar, please contact us if you need help with this. Once you agree to sell, or your domain is sold, the transaction will be handled securely via We will request certain information from you and initiate the Escrow process. Once payment is received by, the payment will be sent to you, less 10% (commission) of the final sale price paid to, less fees, as negotiated with the buyer. We will guide you through this process, and provide instructions along the way. Escrow Fees: Escrow fees will be split between buyer and Seller, unless otherwise negotiated. You can view the fees at